Prince George begins first day of school - New My Royals And Hollywood Fashion Blog

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Prince George begins first day of school

Prince George begins first day of school
Prince George begins first day of school
Prince George has started his first day of school this morning at Thomas’s Battersea dressed in his school uniform of a navy v-neck jumper, matching shorts, and long red socks with his black shoes. His father, the Duke of Cambridge, accompanied his nervous looking son as he arrived.

His mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, was unable to join him as she is suffering from the crippling morning sickness that plagued her first two pregnancies. Kensington Palace announced that Catherine was expecting her and William’s third child on 4 September. She was forced to pull out of a planned engagement that afternoon and a joint appearance the next day with Princes William and Harry due to the morning sickness.

Kensington Palace confirmed this morning that Her Royal Highness would not accompany her husband and son to Thomas’s Battersea saying, “Unfortunately The Duchess of Cambridge remains unwell, and will not be able to accompany Prince George on his first day of school.

“The Duke of Cambridge will drop off Prince George this morning as planned.”

The four-year-old royal greeted the Head of Lower School, Helen Haslem, with a handshake while his father held onto his backpack. She then grabbed George’s left hand and walked him into the school with Prince William. William then stayed with George for around 40 minutes while he got settled into his classroom.

Prince George will be known as George Cambridge to his classmates. Thomas’s Battersea’s motto is “be kind” and requires that students “not just to tolerate but to celebrate difference, including faith, beliefs and culture.”

In addition to traditional subjects, George will be taught French, ballet, drama, art, and physical education at the fee-paying independent school.

Catherine has said in the past that she does not think her son “has any idea what’s going to hit him” as he begins school.

Ben Thomas, the principal of the group of Thomas’s London Day Schools, said today that “there won’t be any special treatment at all” for Prince George. He added, “In fact what his parents would like for him, as any parent would like for their child, is they have a wonderful, fulfilling and private childhood in a place which is secure.”

Thomas explained, “Our aim for him, as well as for all of our pupils, is to provide a safe and secure and happy environment where he feels supported by a kind and loving community. That’s all we will be trying to achieve for him.”

Maud Windsor, the daughter of Lord and Lady Frederick Windsor, also began today at Thomas’s Battersea. She is the granddaughter of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.

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