Sir Vince Cable: The Queen should be 'saved the embarrassment' of hosting 'racist' Donald Trump - New My Royals And Hollywood Fashion Blog

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Sir Vince Cable: The Queen should be 'saved the embarrassment' of hosting 'racist' Donald Trump

Sir Vince Cable: The Queen should be 'saved the embarrassment' of hosting 'racist' Donald Trump

The leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Vince Cable, has said that a state visit to the UK by ‘racist’ President Donald Trump would ’embarrass’ The Queen.

Speaking to BBC Breakfast, the 74-year-old said: “I honestly don’t know why the Government, past governments, embarrass the Queen, embarrass the country, by inviting people here for these ceremonial events, which are completely inappropriate.

“And, I think, what will happen if Trump comes, there will be a major expression of public disquiet that we are honouring somebody who is … racist, misogynist, indulging the most appalling prejudices.”

Sir Vince, who became leader of the Lib Dems a few weeks ago, added that the Prime Minister now likely regrets inviting Mr Trump on a state visit so soon after he took office.

He said: “I think we need to make a distinction between engaging in business-like negotiations with other countries, and, obviously, the United States is the major power in the world, and a key part of Nato, we need to have proper discussions with them, and with him.

“But, there is a difference between that and honouring somebody with a state visit involving the Queen, all the panoply of a state visit. It’s completely inappropriate.
“I think, frankly, the Prime Minister is embarrassed about having made this offer, probably now finds it rather difficult to retract it.”

Despite Sir Vince’s intervention, the state visit may not even go ahead. Reports suggest that President Trump’s State Visit to the United Kingdom has been cancelled indefinitely at the request of The White House.

In a phone call to Theresa May, President Trump expressed that he does not want to visit the UK until the British perception of him has been improved.

According to a report in the Guardian, the President is fearful of large-scale protests and would rather visit when the population changes their opinion of the 70-year-old.

According to those present at Downing Street when the phone call was made, the Prime Minister was “surprised” that he wanted the visit to be postponed.

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